Pantry Items:
- Cereal and Instant Oatmeal
- Butter and Olive Oil
- Flour and Sugar
- Ready-to-Use Broths - Chicken, Beef, Veg
- Canned Tomatoes
- Chocolate Chips
- Rice and Pasta
- Honey
- Gingerale
- Juice - Apple, Grape, Prune, Cranberry, Peach
- Tea - Lemon Ginger, Mint, Mandarin & Orange, Chai, Chamomile
Household Items:
- White Face Cloths
- White Hand Towels
- Birdseed
- Potting soil
Personal Items:
- Epsom Salts
- Liquid Bodywash (Unscented)
- Biotine Mouthwash
- Baby Wipes
- Deodorant
- Razors
- Shaving Cream
- Hair Combs
Gift Cards:
- Walmart
- Wholesale Club (PC)
- No Frills
All items must be new and unused please.