Mattina Family

Mattina Family
My father, Bill Mattina, beat cancer not once, but twice. The third was to be an unwinnable fight. My family did what all families do in a time of crisis: we loved and cared for him around the clock. Like putting puzzle pieces together, we tried to navigate his illness and care for him at home the best we could.
For our family, trying to find and fit the pieces of the puzzle meant it was hard to just be his loved ones, celebrating his life and saying the softest of goodbyes. Dignity, comfort and creating final memories came second to scrambled attempts at providing medical and supportive care.
We knew there had to be another way, and we turned to Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice for help. His care was in the hands of professionals, his dignity restored, final memories prioritized and the most important 19 days of his life unfolded.
Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice was like home. Music, food, games, gatherings, laughter, and tears filled the space for 19 incredible days knowing that excellence and experience from the Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice team were supporting us day and night. My family continues to give so that the next family gets their ‘19 days’ – please join us in giving this holiday season.
– Mattina Family